Discovery Tour - Travel Agency HTML5 Website Template

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创建: 2016年8月2日

更新: 2023年1月31日

ID: 58204

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Modern Travel Agency HTML5 Website Template

旅行社HTML5网站模板为网站开发提供了广泛的机会. Nowadays, having a well-designed website is highly important. It helps in advertising your company's services. This is also true for the tourism industry. However, developing a memorable website is a costly matter. It requires a professional approach. For that reason, many companies choose to work with web developers.

尽管如此,还是有一种更有效、更实惠的方式来创建网站. Of course, we are talking about HTML5 templates. They are reliable and reasonably priced solutions. 基于引导 5框架,这样的模板可以为任何网站添加很多内容. They are highly responsive and mobile-friendly. Also, such templates guarantee easy maintenance and deep customization. 如果您正在寻找这样一个解决方案来建立一个旅行社网站,我们知道该提供什么.

Feature-Rich HTML5 Solution for Travel Agents

探索之旅旅行社HTML5网站模板提供了一个现代宽敞的设计. It is combined with a detailed layout for your content. 我们提供的解决方案适用于个体旅行社和成熟的旅游供应商. 此外,它可以处理任何类型的内容,从文本到图像和视频. it also comes with a bunch of awesome features. They are designed to make your website more informative and stable:

  1. W3C有效编码;
  2. SEO-ready and highly responsive layout;
  3. 谷歌字体 & 谷歌地图;
  4. 流畅的CSS3动画 & 转换;
  5. 宽屏滑块 & 导航菜单;
  6. Sass & Pug源文件;
  7. 跨浏览器支持.

Aside from these advantages, 我们的旅行社HTML5网站模板还有其他好处. For example, it provides a wide range of ready-made pages. 它们可以用来介绍你的旅行社及其服务. With such pages as Tours and Blog, you can tell more about the tours you provide and post the latest news. 有了联系页面,你就可以和你的客户保持联系. 目的地页面将帮助您的访问者找到更多有趣的国家和度假胜地.

可定制的 & Well-Documented HTML5 Solution

However, 这些功能并不是Discovery Tour旅行社HTML5网站模板所提供的全部功能. It has a lot more in store for you. For example, it includes an extensive UI kit with various elements. From buttons to progress bars and counters, you can use a variety of supplied components to create a unique website. And if you are a web developer, 由于其易于编辑的布局,您可以完全改变模板的外观.

If you are looking for more information about this HTML5 template, we recommend reading its documentation. It describes how to install and manage such solutions properly. 此外,文档还回答了关于HTML模板的各种常见问题. But if you are looking for extra assistance, our friendly and qualified team is always ready to help you. We also invite you to take a look at our template catalog. 它为您未来的任何在线项目提供了数百种现成的解决方案.



  • UPD: Jquery到3.6.0;
  • Jquery迁移到3.3.2;
  • UPD: Form to 4.3.0;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


  • UPD:引导到5.0.1;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.js to 2.9.2;
  • UPD:盗贼到5.3.1;
  • 猫头鹰旋转木马到2.3.4;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


The template 58204 is perfect for a travel agency website, we connect the forms for 预订, 这种属性有助于数据库和模板之间的集成. Also, 我们用了所有的画廊, our client loves the design, the color scheme is very attractive so it wasn´t necessary to change. We only add the logo to the template and the information. 此外,该模板还包括各种各样的部分和页面,为您提供了许多分发选项. 我们喜欢热游的功能悬停,看起来真的很漂亮 The support wasn’t necessary buy for experience always is outstanding.
Template muito completo e com opções de virar WordPress. Gostei.
大模板. 结构良好. 易于维护和编辑. Thanks
很漂亮,很吸引人. I will recommend it to my friends who need to develop websites.


This template and the website 模板的怪物 is very bad. 如果你试图给某个产品写差评,他们会立即将其删除. They just keep 5 stars rating to make product look more attractive. 非常糟糕的平台.
感谢您抽出时间向我们提供您对我们网站模板的反馈. 我们很抱歉听到你有不好的经历,我们想解决你的问题. 我们提供了一个具有广泛功能和特性的模板,以满足不同的需求:超过40个HTML页面和各种脚本包含在这个模板中. 您可以自定义模板以满足您的特定需求:删除任何不需要的脚本并使用替代文件类型,例如 .scss和 .Pug文件,以尽量减少网站的大小,如果你熟悉这些文件类型或编辑模板的标准方式. 我们要强调的是,我们致力于维护一个透明和诚实的平台,我们重视客户反馈的真实性. Although we do not alter or delete ratings intentionally, 我们有具体的指导方针,以确保所有的审查都是公正和无偏见的. 我们感谢您的反馈,我们一直在努力改进我们的产品和服务. If you have any further concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team, we are always ready to help! Thank you for choosing our website templates. 致以最亲切的问候
Hello, 亲切地想了解什么类型的模板购买(管理面板为这种模式, 网站随时可用, 在WordPress中转换). My aim is to change the template that is, insert and delete pages and add content, making no programming development. Let me know please, cordially
你好,朱塞佩. 谢谢你的评论. 我们建议您使用管理面板的模板,无需任何编程即可轻松编辑(Wordpress, Joomla, Moto CMS). Note, these templates are fully editable, via admin panel you can easily replace images and text with yours. 如果您需要帮助,请随时使用我们的生活聊天,我们的操作员将很乐意为您选择合适的模板.




4.4 /5
支持度评分(589年评级) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 456 4 39 3 15 2 7 1 72
响应时间: Normal 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.








General software requirements:

代码编辑工具 ZIP unarchiver


